3 Tips for Being a Gracious Guest

3 Tips for Being a Gracious Guest

So last week we talked about how the people planning the wedding can be considerate of guests that travel far to come see you. Lest anyone think we’re being unfair, here are some tips to keep in mind in your going to be a guest. These tips might seem like common sense, and who would ever do them, right? Trust me, you’d be surprised.


  1. The Surprise +1

Have you heard this one? “Hey, great to see you?” You look great? Oh my god, you’re getting married! Oh, this? This is my (enter anything). We met last weekend. Oh, you don’t mind if they’re here, do you?”


Unless the invitation specifically says “and a guest”, or something similar. Showing up with a surprise guest is usually bad form. Weddings are usually priced for a set number of people (seating, catering, etc.) and the new soulmate you found in Vegas can mess with those logistics. But in case you’re getting worried, most couples are fine with having new guests. The key is informing them beforehand.


  1. Always Bring a Gift, No Matter How Small.

I’ve been there. I know the struggle. Being broke is no fun. Still, bring a gift, and before you get cheeky, no, the gift isn’t yourself. Tyrion Lannister may be able to get away with that. No one else. Write a poem, offer an oil change, entertain with sock puppets –it doesn’t matter, just don’t come empty-handed.

  1. If You’re Going to a Wedding, Commit to The Entire Ceremony

Exempting the understandable work and family responsibilities, (needing to get back to work asap, children at home, you know what I mean). If you’ve agreed to attend a wedding, you should be there for the nuptials and the reception. Leaving early by surprise is noticed and remembered. I once saw a Maid of Honor leave midway through the reception because she agreed to attend a party (not kidding). This tells people that while you agreed to show up, you don’t really care to be there. Even if that’s not true, that’s the message you’re sending. Weddings are momentous to people, don’t be the guy/gal that arrived just to say hi.

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