Five Personalized Gift Ideas for Newlyweds – That They’ll Actually Use!

Feeling confounded by your friend’s wedding registry? Even with everything outlined and ready to purchase you may feel like there is a more appropriate gesture that can show your love and admiration or the new couple, and a personalized gift is certainly one way to give them something that is truly one-of-a-kind. If you’re ready to give the registry the boot, the following items will be a great step in the right direction.


  1. Custom Illustrations

Do you have an artistic friend who’s searching for a new project? A personalized portrait or an illustration that reimagines a pivotal point in your friends’ relationship will be a dynamic addition to their new home and they will certainly treasure for years to come.


  1. Hand-Stitched Family Portraits

Similar to the aforementioned illustration, a hand-stitched family portrait can capture the look and personality of the couple brilliantly. This can include their favorite styles of clothing, pets and anything else that speaks to who they are as a couple.


  1. Anniversary Wine Box

Looking for a unique way to give the gift of wine? An anniversary wine box is a great idea that will be adorned with the couple’s initials and is designed to be opened each year on their anniversary. This is a fabulous way to reinvent a traditional gift and give it a personalized touch.


  1. Champagne Flutes

There will be many celebrations to look forward to in the future, so when that special couple in your life wants to pop a bottle of bubbly, they can use gorgeous champagne flutes adorned with their initials or the date of their wedding. This is a classic gift that will get many years of use, and they’ll look back on you fondly every time they break them out!


  1. Custom Map Coasters

Every home needs a set of coasters, and they can have far more decorative punch if they say something about the bride and groom. Personalized map coasters that provide miniature illustrations of the couple’s hometowns, alma maters or favorite destinations have true staying power and will enjoy many years of use in the couple’s home.

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