How to get a jumpstart on wedding planning in the new year

How to get a jumpstart on wedding planning in the new year

With the holiday season in the rear view mirror, there are many more newly-engaged couples as we kick off 2017! There’s something about the holiday season, whether it’s the symphony of lights and color, time spent with family and friends and enjoying the comforts of home that will lead to many big questions being popped, and as the new year kicks off, couples will suddenly be thrust into the wide world of wedding planning.


If you are a bride- or groom-to-be, first of all, congratulations! Next, let the experts at Nanina’s in the Park help you build a wedding planning foundation that will help you tackle each task with the care and consideration it deserves. As we kick off 2017, here are a few key steps you can take in your wedding planning to get a head start in the new year.


  1. Send out your engagement notices/save-the-dates

First and foremost, you’ll need to notify your family and friends about your big news, and your first major decision will be deciding on engagement notices vs. save-the-dates, or doing both if your budget allows it. Because so many things get lost in the shuffle during the holiday season and January/February are a welcome reprieve, this is the perfect time to send out these important notices so your guests can plan ahead.


  1. Hire a wedding planner?

Depending on how organized and how much you’re willing to undertake to put your wedding together, one of your first major decisions will be whether or not to hire a wedding planner. Your lives will certainly be easier if you go this route, as these individuals are experts in picking the perfect decor, working with a network of vendors, how to work within your budget and much more. Ideally, you should start looking into these professionals as the year kicks off so you can have open lines of communication to begin making decisions as soon as you’re ready.


  1. Create a to-do list

Whether you are hiring a wedding planner or not, this is an important time to lay out the many tasks you’ll have to accomplish over the course of the year. Start by creating a budget to work within, while estimating how much each service and addition to your ceremony will cost as you compile your list. This is a good time to start to divvy up tasks between you, your significant other and whoever else will be helping you put together your wedding.


  1. Create the guest list

Last but not least, the guest list will be one of the biggest initial undertakings of the wedding planning process, and this is the perfect time to do it! You’ve undoubtedly spent time recently with family and friends over the holiday season, especially those you don’t see as often, which can help you create a more comprehensive list with these individuals fresh in your mind. Additionally, when choosing a venue or vendors, it’s important to have a good estimate of how many people will be attending, so you can make an informed choice with any major decision.

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