How to Prep Your Skin for Your Late Summer Wedding

How to Prep Your Skin for Your Late Summer Wedding

Are you planning a late summer wedding or an early fall wedding? All that delicious sunshine and poolside fun can take a toll on your skin, making it less than perfect for the wedding photos. Want to enjoy your summer and show off fresh, dewy skin on the big day? Plan ahead and discover how to prep your skin for your late summer wedding.

  1. Use the Right Products, Designed for Your Face

With all the hustle and bustle of pre-wedding planning, you may be tempted to let a few things slide. It couldn’t hurt to use body wash or hand soap on your face, right? Well, a one-time use probably wouldn’t hurt, but if you continue the practice, you may notice extra dryness, dullness, and damage.

The skin of your face is much thinner than the skin covering other parts of your body. It’s more delicate, and the cells are smaller— so your face definitely needs products that are designed to be gentle.

If you’re not sure which facial care products are right for your face, talk to a knowledgeable friend or a local makeup artist.

  1. Always Apply Sunscreen Before Your Late Summer Wedding

You only plan to be poolside for a short time, so you skip the sunscreen. Big mistake! A few minutes too long, and you could risk roasting your face, neck, arms, and any other exposed areas.

Although the sunburn may fade, sun exposure can cause freckling, discolored patches, and other variations in skin tone. Apply a light yet effective sunscreen, even on cloudy days. Of course, be sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly later on to clear the pores of any residue.

Some women like to use a moisturizer with SPF (sun protection factor) because it’s a win-win— hydration and protection in a single product. Be sure that you opt for a version that’s oil-free to avoid breakouts.

  1. Don’t Forget the Toner for a Beautiful Wedding Glow

Most women understand the importance of a good cleanser and a nice, oil-free moisturizer— but too often they forget all about the toner!

Toner helps to restore your skin’s pH to normal levels after you use your cleanser. It also serves to rid the skin of impurities, shrink the pores, and lock in moisture. Try a clarifying toner for the late summer months and switch to a hydrating version when cold weather arrives.

  1. Try Tea Tree Oil on Pre-Wedding Acne

Got acne? Before you resort to harsher methods and medications, try a gentle remedy. Brush a Q-tip soaked in tea tree oil over the area after washing your face. Don’t moisturize that spot until the acne clears up.

Try the tea tree oil in a diluted form at first; some skin types are a little more sensitive to it. If it has no effect, use a full-strength version.

  1. Don’t Plan to Tan for Your Late Summer Wedding

Unless nature has gifted you with a genetic glow that deepens quickly during the summer, don’t plan to tan for your late summer wedding. If you really want the beautiful bronzed look, splurge on a professional, hand-airbrushed spray tan.

Or, to save money, experiment with a high-quality tanning lotion that slowly adds color over numerous applications. Use it well in advance of your wedding so you can become an expert on its application— no last-minute self-tanning attempts, please!

Remember, the staff at Nanina’s in the Park have years of experience with weddings. We are happy to recommend some of the best makeup artists in the business to help you shine for your wedding day. No matter what state your skin is in, these professionals can work wonders. Contact us anytime to talk more about our recommended vendors or to schedule a tour of our gorgeous wedding venue.

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