Creative Proposals: Mind Testing This Level For Me?

Creative Proposals: Mind Testing This Level For Me?

For some, wedding proposals are an opportunity to get creative, to try and find unique ways to let the most important person in the world to you know how much you love them. We tend to challenge ourselves in different ways, often utilizing our passions as a means to make the proposal memorable and different. In this case, one such developer by the name of Jed Whitaker decided to employ his love of gaming and design and come up with one of the more creative ways we’ve seen a proposal being done. He created an entire level in the game “Little Big Planet” and asked his girlfriend –a fellow gamer –to play it.

For those that don’t know, “Little Big Planet” is a video game that basically gives people the tools to build their own, smaller game, like if you had an app on your phone that let you edit your pictures into a short movie (spoilers, those exist). You wouldn’t need to be know all the finer details of game design, the tools are laid out for you in a easy to use way. Whitaker filmed his girlfriend playing the level titled, “Love and Marriage”. Although the audio of her reaction isn’t great, Whitaker describes that after she finished the level, “we hugged, she cried, and I gave her an engagement ring.”

If nothing else, the video is still worth a look to see how Whitaker designed the level. A great little trick is played on how at first, the level is pretty simple. The character simply moves right along the screen, but after she says “yes”, the level design makes the player continuously ascend higher and higher. Heavy-handed? Perhaps, but adorable none-the-less.

You can watch the proposal on Jed Whitaker’s personal YouTube channel here.

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